
Unleashing Chaos: New Hades 2 Update Introduces Ares and Epic Showdown on Mount Olympus

Supergiant have released their third big update for slashy dashy roguelike Hades 2, adding familiar murdergod Ares to the roster of deities helping you out. He’ll offer boons and blessings while smarming at you from afar. The update also introduces a new animal familiar – a polecat named Gale who boosts dodge chance and movement speed for defensive players. Traveling the surface route towards Mount Olympus now leads to a “final confrontation” in the game.

For players familiar with Greek mythology and Supergiant’s storytelling, the teased final boss will be recognizable. Others may need to look it up, as it appears formidable. The update includes more story events, dialogue, and character interactions, like a sing-song with Artemis. New tarot card artwork is available at the Altar of Ashes, along with two new enemy types to face.

The patchnotes detail various changes, from wildlife appearances to quirky character behaviors. Supergiant is already planning the next update to enhance boss battles and character relationships, but it won’t be ready for some months. The game’s core structure is now complete, with more content categories to be filled out before the final release.

The original Hades was in early access for nearly two years, while the sequel has been out for less than a year. Players awaiting the final release will need to exercise patience. Stay tuned for more updates and enhancements as Supergiant continues to refine the game.